Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Team preparations

Our team continues to meet every other week leading up to our August departure. We are in the process of gathering ideas and materials for the teaching portions of our mission (kids' camp and teaching English to local teenagers). We are also diligently learning about the details that will impact our trip (travel prep, trip schedule, etc.), and praying for wisdom and guidance as we prepare. The Harpers are so busy doing great work over in Moz. We will continue to connect with them as frequently as possible to receive updates, and iron out the details of our mission schedule.

The last members of our team (including myself), have gotten our required vaccinations. My arm is very sore as I type this from getting 4 shots this morning! And since I went straight from the travel clinic to work today, I am hoping I don't forget my Typhoid pills in the refrigerator at my workplace -- I'm not sure my co-workers would appreciate seeing a box of "live Typhoid" nestled in next to their lunch.

To get ready for our meeting next week, we are all reading our mission guidebooks for our discussion focusing on spiritual preparation. Plus we will each be more officially articulating our personal goals for the trip. More team details to come after our meeting next week...


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