Monday, June 29, 2009

Swing from the Chandeliers

The latest exciting news from the Harpers comes from an e-mail from Mark last week (excerpted below), illustrating God's amazing power to do great things through those who believe Him:

From: Mark

Whatever it takes, swing from the chandeliers, scream it from your roof top, run down the street ... with a banner...But whatever you do – Praise the Lord with me. Tell someone else. Not just because of this email, but because He is God and He is good and He has stretched out His hand and proved His hand strong and able and willing – for me!

I have been feeling dry in the Lord. I have been crying out to Him on behalf of Alberto our National Director, For the salaries of the staff and for my passion to see Bethel built and in service reaching youth and empowering the Church. We have been stressed, we have tried making our own plans we have gone into debt (stupid) and I have missed that close fellowship with the Lord and seeing Him do miracles and having the privilege to be in His service.

Today the clouds lifted for me... The Lord has done it again. He has blown my mind. The library roof is going on after almost 3 years of waiting. A Church in Paarl has purchased the materials. A company has discounted the material. Their franchise “engineer” in Nelspruit has supplied a truck to carry the materials, and is sending one of his staff to show us how to set it all up at no cost. The owner of the franchise has donated a fibre filling to mix into the concrete to strengthen it. I am awed.

Plus – I promised the staff that we would start on their accommodation this year. I had begun to lose hope. But the Lord, through a complete stranger to us, but a friend of someone coming out on the work project in July, has donated about R43 000.00 for the foundations and floor.

From down deep – in my heart - The Lord is good.

Thank you Father – for lifting the clouds and showing Your hand powerful and faithful and able
For me!
P.S. would also like to honour the men and woman who have been used by the Lord to take Bethel one step closer to completion and fulfilling its purpose. Reaching out to youth and equipping the Church. Thank you very very much. Mark

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