Monday, June 8, 2009

Team Member Bios

A little about the New Hope Moz team - Craig, Penny, Mary Lou, Kelli & Laurie:

Craig (Team Leader) -
"Lord willing this will be my 6th time going to Mozambique, Africa as a leader of a small missions team from New Hope Church. Going on these short term missions trips is so fulfilling -- you think when you go that you will be giving of yourself, but you end up bringing back so much more. The Harpers and the people of Mozambique have captured part of my heart. I just love the way this missionary family has shown the love of Christ through their love and involvement in every part of the community there. I have been so blessed to touch a small part of all of this. Awhile back I would have laughed if someone said I would be going on a missions trip to Africa. For a small town farm boy, traveling out West or going to Canada for fishing was the most adventure I wanted. Now I just love the way God has softened my heart and has given me the desire to share who He is with others. My father just couldn't understand why I was going on my first missions trip. Out of love and concern at the time he told me I couldn't change the world. I just thought to myself maybe I can't change the world, but God can change my world."

Penny - "The Lord called me into missions when I was attending a missions meeting at college. I majored in Bible and Missions at a Christian College I attended. After attending this college I went on to become a nurse. The Lord has called me to tell others of his saving grace and help others. I am married and have three sons and two grandchildren. I enjoy working in the Awana Club with children during the year. I go into the HC Detention Center twice a month with another person to minister to the ladies there. It has been my desire since I started going to New Hope Church to serve on a short term missions trip. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve in Mozambique."

Mary Lou -"In 2005 the Lord called me to go to South Africa for the first Mission trip I had ever been on. Knowing nothing about Missions I went with an obedient Heart and a spirit of adventure. It was life-changing for me and this will be my fourth trip back to Africa. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve Him in this special place."

Kelli- "I have always had a sense of adventure and have enjoyed traveling to numerous parts of the world. Now God is using this sense of adventure to serve Him. I am married, work part time, and am kept very busy taking care of three active boys. Some might think this is not an ideal time in my life to be away from home. However, I am putting my faith in God as I feel called to Africa now as part of a journey He is taking me on. I am so excited to see what He will teach me and allow me to experience as I serve Him through this mission trip."

Laurie - "I am looking forward to a great experience in Mozambique. This trip is an opportunity to both serve others in a practical way and to learn new things from God. Mozambique is a Portuguese speaking country and this is very exciting for me. I grew up in Brazil SA where they also speak Portuguese. I am thrilled to be able to speak Portuguese again and help our team by working as a translator whenever needed. God's timing is perfect as it relates to this trip, and we look forward to sharing our experiences with you. Thank you in advance for your prayers. We depend on them as we experience this adventure together.

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