Thursday, August 27, 2009

Things I'll miss about Africa

1). The ocean - beautiful beaches, and the sound of roaring waves that put me to sleep each night
2). The stars - Gods amazing nightlights shine so brightly there. Especially the Southern Cross
3). Jokes from Mark - some good, lots not so good, but always entertaining
4). Fascinating stories from both Mark and Les - they need to write a book!
5). Fresh baked bread from the Xai Xai bakery
6). Hearing, speaking, learning Portuguese
7). Smiling African children. Particularly when they waved and hollered to us with glee when we drove by on the road to Bethel, as if we were celebrities.
8). Doing work that impacts people so positively and tangibly - building a school/church, delivering school supplies and clothes, sharing our testimonies and the love of Jesus.
9). Horses walking by the window at breakfast time
10) Whales viewed from the table at breakfast time
11). Morning devotions and prayer time...even at 6:30am...really!
12). Driving adventures:-)
13). Ice cold coke in a glass bottle. A simple pleasure.
14). African music and dancing
15). Being able to disconnect from the usual busy schedule, cell phones, internet, TV etc. and connect with God.


  1. Welcome back. You guys are really appreciated.

    Get caught up on your rest. Many more people are anxious to hear from you.

    Donna and Ted

  2. Craig! I can't believe I found this blog! You may not remember me but my friend Jen and I spent the summer of 2005 in Mozambique and had the privilege of working with your team. I've since lost touch with Mark, Les and the boys but wonder about them often. How can I get in touch with them? It brought tears to my eyes to see the growth of the Bethel center in the last 4 or 5 years. Please email me at if you can help! Sounds like you had an amazing trip last year! Will you be going again this summer?
