Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Firming up plans and projects

T-minus 3 days and counting until departure to Mozambique!!
Craig has been in communication with Mark and Les in Africa as we try to get an idea of exactly what we will be working on, and what will be needed while we are there. The plans seem to be ever-changing and evolving, but we are all willing and able no matter what the ultimate tasks will be.
The first week the team will be busy doing some painting and window glazing at Bethel, as well as painting and making blackboards for the village schools. On the first Friday we will be part of the Christchurch Kids program in the village of Zacanha, where we will be giving out clothing to the orphans. We have purchased t-shirts and other clothing items to bring to the kids - as much as we can possibly fit into our collective luggage! Les will join us on the first Friday night at Bethel Center and we will be involved in building the school in Zacanha on the Saturday and Sunday. We will have a praise worship service in the new church/school on the Sunday morning in Zacanha. The total number of kids we will be catering to at the school is about 150.
The second week will visit some of the soccer clubs with Gito and Samuel. We are also bringing along several soccer balls to give to the clubs. The kids have a Bible study after the game / practice.

Additionally, we have discussed other work projects for Bethel (making curtains perhaps? hopefully minimal sewing skills are required in my case!). In addition we might be doing some teaching --working with kids from the area around Bethel. These things are somewhat TBD, but we are prepared with teaching materials and supplies in any case.
Again, the trip is in the Lord's hands, and we know he will put us in exactly the right place, with the right projects for His purposes. We are looking forward to serving Him!


1 comment:

  1. Blessings to each of you as you prepare to travel to Moz. We will pray for you; personal strength, health, rest when needed and effectiveness in ministry. You are appreciated!

    Ted and Donna
