Wednesday, August 19, 2009

...and greetings to family!

From Kelli -
Just want to say hi to everyone, especially Mitch and the boys. I am doing well and having an amazing experience. Looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone. We all look forward to sharing our stories and pictures. Please keep praying for our team...several are suffering from tick/spider bites and side effects from malaria pills. Pray for our safety and well-being.

Lots of Love and God Bless!

From Laurie -
Hi Everyone, Just a quick note to say I'm thinking of you and doing well!! Mozambique is a strange mix of beauty and extreme, extreme poverty. I have never seen such extremes. Hope all is well at home. Thankful to be here and for this incredible experience. Much love to all!

From Mary Lou -
Hi Cec, Hope all is well with you. Doing well here - had to get off of malaria pills today - too many side effects...feeling better. Love being here...much accomplished. Please say "happy B-day to Ardiana tomorrow for me. Leaving for South Africa on Friday. See you Monday. Blessings!

From Craig - happy birthday Mom!


  1. Wow! What a report! You guys have been very busy and used in ways that are a blessing to those that God sets before you. We will pray for Francisco and Les as you have asked and for your good health,a refreshing visit in South Africa and a timely and restful flight home.

    With gratitude for who you are and what you do for the Kingdom of Christ,

    Ted and Donna

  2. Thank you all for your reports. I am so glad to hear how you are being stretched and how you are being used in many ways. Blessings on your remaining time and we wish you a safe trip home.


  3. And I thought I had a busy day that started at
    5 am and is just now ending with prayer for all of you at 11 pm!

    Praise God, and thank you God for Your gracious protection over the team, Mark, and Les. You are wonderful and we love You so much! We are ever so thankful that You are the God of Minnesota and the God of Mozambique. As prayed at NHC this past Sunday we praise You for being our everlasting to everlasting, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We now lift of the team and ask for a strong finish to ministry! We know that some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God. "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you, and asking God,to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding."
    Goodnight and AMEN!
