Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Team Bonding

We are in the final days leading up to our departure to Moz on the 8th. We decided to get together last week for a little team bonding time. Mary Lou and her husband Cecil graciously hosted us for a BBQ at their home. The food was delicious, and it was such a great time getting to know each other better and meet the spouses.

On Sunday we had our "commissioning" at church, where the team was introduced to the congregation and details of our mission trip were shared. We want to thank everyone from New Hope Church for your support and prayers.

Tonight we have our final official team meeting before we leave next week. Hopefully most of the details are figured out and questions answered by the end of our meeting. However, even if things aren't all figured out, or our plans need to shift, we know this is all in God's hands and the outcome of our trip will serve his purpose regardless of the details.

God Bless!

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