Monday, July 13, 2009

Praise and Prayer requests from Africa

From: Les Harper
Subject: Hrpers happenings june
To: Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 11:45 AM
Dear praying friends,

Please forgive that this mail is short and without any pics - but i am writing from the most antiquated computer, in an internet cafe in Chibutu. I keep losing the connection .... ngmpfff !

Just wanted you to praise the Lord with us ! After 3 long years a truly STUNNING cement slab with steel undergirding is now covering our library at Bethel !

9 believers from the original community Bible Study of Joao, have just been baptised in Chinangue (Where only 2 years ago there was no church and no known believers !)

We were able to give out about 50 skirts to orphan and vulnerable girls in Mbanguine and Campo mark villages ! Praise God !

The two VERY needy 8 and 11 yr old orphan girls who lived in the bush and were literally starving, are coming to live at hope house with their baby niece of 15m. They ran away the first time, as the buildings were too strange and scary for them. Please pray that the love of Jesus reaches them and that they choose to stay this time.

We have a stunning new school cum church in Mbanguine village even complete with lockable school trunk and materials and a newly planted orchard of 11 fruit trees ! Thank you Lord ! Thank you DREAM TEAM and Strooidak ! Lovely !

Please pray for one of our staff for whom we are trying to organise ARV's- hence being in Chibutu today ! Please pray for favour.

PLEASE pray for our Lord's provision - Bethel staff have not been paid for june yet, and though much building has been happening, very little has come in for teachers, ministry and building staff salaries ... but this is a test of all of our faith - so we look to the hand of our Lord - who opens His hand and we are ALL fed (As I read in my quiet time yesterday !)

Love you all and so thankful for your prayers and encouragment !

God bless you !

Love Les for Mark and the boys

PS PRAISE THE LORD ! Charlie is back from Malawi ! What a blessing to be together again, till he goes off to study psychology - Christian counseling- teaching Biology at University of Johannesburg, where he will be in AFSLAAN men's res. He has applied for a bursary thru the government ed dept for which we covet your prayers ! :)

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