Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Team Bonding

We are in the final days leading up to our departure to Moz on the 8th. We decided to get together last week for a little team bonding time. Mary Lou and her husband Cecil graciously hosted us for a BBQ at their home. The food was delicious, and it was such a great time getting to know each other better and meet the spouses.

On Sunday we had our "commissioning" at church, where the team was introduced to the congregation and details of our mission trip were shared. We want to thank everyone from New Hope Church for your support and prayers.

Tonight we have our final official team meeting before we leave next week. Hopefully most of the details are figured out and questions answered by the end of our meeting. However, even if things aren't all figured out, or our plans need to shift, we know this is all in God's hands and the outcome of our trip will serve his purpose regardless of the details.

God Bless!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Praise and Prayer requests from Africa

From: Les Harper
Subject: Hrpers happenings june
To: Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 11:45 AM
Dear praying friends,

Please forgive that this mail is short and without any pics - but i am writing from the most antiquated computer, in an internet cafe in Chibutu. I keep losing the connection .... ngmpfff !

Just wanted you to praise the Lord with us ! After 3 long years a truly STUNNING cement slab with steel undergirding is now covering our library at Bethel !

9 believers from the original community Bible Study of Joao, have just been baptised in Chinangue (Where only 2 years ago there was no church and no known believers !)

We were able to give out about 50 skirts to orphan and vulnerable girls in Mbanguine and Campo mark villages ! Praise God !

The two VERY needy 8 and 11 yr old orphan girls who lived in the bush and were literally starving, are coming to live at hope house with their baby niece of 15m. They ran away the first time, as the buildings were too strange and scary for them. Please pray that the love of Jesus reaches them and that they choose to stay this time.

We have a stunning new school cum church in Mbanguine village even complete with lockable school trunk and materials and a newly planted orchard of 11 fruit trees ! Thank you Lord ! Thank you DREAM TEAM and Strooidak ! Lovely !

Please pray for one of our staff for whom we are trying to organise ARV's- hence being in Chibutu today ! Please pray for favour.

PLEASE pray for our Lord's provision - Bethel staff have not been paid for june yet, and though much building has been happening, very little has come in for teachers, ministry and building staff salaries ... but this is a test of all of our faith - so we look to the hand of our Lord - who opens His hand and we are ALL fed (As I read in my quiet time yesterday !)

Love you all and so thankful for your prayers and encouragment !

God bless you !

Love Les for Mark and the boys

PS PRAISE THE LORD ! Charlie is back from Malawi ! What a blessing to be together again, till he goes off to study psychology - Christian counseling- teaching Biology at University of Johannesburg, where he will be in AFSLAAN men's res. He has applied for a bursary thru the government ed dept for which we covet your prayers ! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Things are starting to come together

The team is working on various details for the projects we will be involved in on our trip.

Laurie has been mapping out the lesson plans and gathering teaching materials for the week we will be teaching English to teenagers from Xai Xai. Not only is Laurie fluent in Portuguese (the language of Mozambique), she is an ESL teacher (English as a second language), so her skills will be of incredible use on this trip! So far, Laurie has developed a theme for each day of teaching (e.g. Feelings, parts of the body) with associated grammar lessons and activities. We will also be weaving in a simple biblical concept into each day of teaching.

Mary Lou has been coordinating the crafts and activities for the kids' camp we will be running for a few days on our first week in Moz. She seems to have endless ideas for keeping the kids busy! And since these kids live in an environment of extreme poverty, as do many in Moz, it will be great to be able to provide them with a fun, memorable experience, along with special crafts (like "gospel" bracelets) to take home.

Craig has been in contact with Mark Harper at Bethel Center to finalize the needs for the construction projects. We are purchasing materials to construct and install windows while we are there.

We are having another team meeting tomorrow, then only one more team meeting until we leave August 8th, so the trip is coming up fast!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's "Encouragement Wednesday" again

God loves us more than we can ever fathom, and is more powerful than we can imagine! If we have faith in this, we can always remain courageous and sure. He wants the very best for us, and has infinite power to make anything happen!

Here are just a few bible verses that confirm these truths:
...and may you be able to feel and understand, as all God's children should, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself.
Now glory be to God who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes.
- Ephesians 3:18-20

One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong and that you, O Lord are loving.
-Psalm 62:11-12

Oprah often asks during interviews "what do you know for sure?" If she were to ask me this question (and certainly I need to be prepared for this possibility, right?) I would quote the bible passages above -- if you have faith in God's amazing, transforming love and power, there's not much more you need to know.

Happy 4th of July everyone!